time of decomposition and ability of recycling


My „still life diagrams“ that measure time of decomposition of common things.

The colours , added to all the objects, correspond to the scale with intervals of decomposition in years, present at the edge of each painting. You can easily read which colour refers to which interval.

The last upgraded works also rate ability of recycling of materials. The objects that are easily recyclable are marked with +, the other with -.

"Time of decomposition 1" 2006 oil on canvas, 120x160

"Time of decomposition 2" 2006 oil on canvas, 120x160

"Time of decomposition 3" 2006 oil on canvas, 120x160

"Time of decomposition 4" 2006 oil on canvas, 70x90
"Time of decomposition 5" 2006 oil on canvas, 70x90

"Time of decomposition and Recycling 0" 2006 oil on canvas, 140x180

"Time of decomposition and Recycling 1" 2006 oil on canvas, 140x180

"Time of decomposition and Recycling 2" 2006 oil on canvas, 140x180